Proj Title=MiddleRiver Current Plan=p04 Default Exp/Contr=0.3,0.1 English Units Geom File=g02 Unsteady File=u10 Sediment File=s01 Plan File=p04 Y Axis Title=Elevation X Axis Title(PF)=Main Channel Distance X Axis Title(XS)=Station BEGIN DESCRIPTION: Complete Middle River HEC-RAS Model. Tetra Tech SWG (D Pizzi and J Smith). Includes model calibration, model validation, existing condition and with-project condition model runs; this Middle River HEC-RAS model provides an outflow hydrograph to the Lower River HEC-RAS model near PRM 107; Chulitna and Talkeetna inflow hydrographs for the calibration and validation model runs were obtained from separate Chulitna and Talkeetna HEC-RAS models. NOTE: CALIBRATED MODEL USES FLOW ROUGHNESS FACTORS THAT MUST BE DEFINED WHEN SETTING UP A NEW UNSTEADY FLOW MODEL RUN. Model Evolution: 1. Susitna_RAS_20140109 (Stored on Seattle Server) Original model geometry development 2. Susitna_RAS_MAR2014 (Stored on Seattle Server) Initial unsteady model runs 3. SplitFlowJoin.PRJ (Stored on Fort Collins Server - Mike Brown) Four split flow reaches (FA104, FA113, FA115, FA128) were added to the model geometry 4. MiddleRiver (Stored on Seattle Server) Model Calibration and Validation 5. MiddleRiver (Stored on Fort Collins Server) Sediment routing capabilities added for testing and validation END DESCRIPTION: DSS Start Date=01Jan1900 DSS Start Time=0200 DSS End Date=22Mar1927 DSS End Time=2300 DSS File=dss DSS File=MR_50yr_OWFP.dss DSS File=MR_50yr_OWFP_ExSed.dss DSS File=MR_50yr_OWFP_OS-1BSed.dss DSS File=MR_50yr_OWFP_OS-1BNarrow.dss DSS Export Filename= DSS Export Rating Curves= 0 DSS Export Rating Curve Sorted= 0 DSS Export Volume Flow Curves= 0 DXF Filename=..\Temp\MikeBrown\Susitna Help\SplitFlows\SplitFlows. DXF OffsetX= 0 DXF OffsetY= 0 DXF ScaleX= 1 DXF ScaleY= 10 GIS Export Profiles= 0